APCM Wednesday 21st October 2020 7:30pm
Here is the information you need for this year’s APCM
As our Annual Parochial Church Meeting in April was cancelled due to Covid we are now going to be holding the meeting via zoom on Wednesday 21st October at 8pm (Chat time from 7.30pm).
A few things to note · From 7.30pm you are welcome to join us for an informal time to say “hi” and chat - you may even wish to have a glass of wine and some nibbles! · At 8pm the meeting will begin. · Please mute yourself unless you are speaking to the meeting. If voting, proposing and seconding items please simply raise your hand.
The zoom link is here https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcodemqqj8tH9LQ1BNZiAFdbgGVNbeCEhLa · Register in advance for this meeting by clicking the link above. · After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. · There’s no passcode but there is a waiting room.
The documents are all online See the table below. Each document can be accessed by clicking either on the image to the right of the document description or on the link below the document description. Each document will open in a different tab in your browser. You may download any of the documents to your computer by either a right mouse click (Windows PC) or using the download link on the browser page where the document opens (depending on the browser you are using).