At St Andrew’s we are proud to be an outward looking church with strong national and international links. We support a number of people who are serving God abroad, some of them through regular financial giving and all of them through prayer.
Our REMIT is to ‘Present Global Mission opportunities to, and encourage involvement by, everyone at church.’ We report, liaise and help to enable all age groups within our community. We aim to provide support with contacts, logistics and fundraising. Each situation is addressed individually, quality time is given with each idea through meetings to decide how we can best support every one. We are a sub group of the PCC, we promote and support: Mission families; Christian organisations and Individuals.
Neil O’Boyle is the National Director of British Youth for Christ, based in the West Midlands. He and his wife, Joy, and their children have previously lived in Denver, Thailand and the Middle East during Neil’s various roles with Youth for Christ International. Joy is currently working in a hospice as counsellor and doing a Masters in Spiritual direction.
Martin and Sam Ainsworth have worshipped at St Andrew’s since their teenage years and have been very much involved in youth and children’s ministry. Martin’s current role as Director of Media Ministries at Youth for Christ International takes him around the world.
Adrian and Fiona Price live in Brussels where Adrian trained for the ministry. They now head up Ecriture, a French worship song writing enterprise, which aims to create original worship material to suport churches across the French-speaking world. Ecriture have released two albums of worship songs which are being widely used across French-speaking Europe and beyond. They also lead conferences and occasionally undertake concert tours. They have two sons: Nathan (8) and Elliot (3).
Paula O’Keefe has been involved in missionary work in various countries around the world. Currently Paula, and her Mother Jo, are living in Gran Canaria where they have established ‘Living Waters’. They are a ‘presence’ based ministry, a house of prayer and worship and their aim is to reach out to those with no faith. They have initiated a number of ‘Mission Weeks’ where people from around the world have attended and learnt how to reach out to the local people. Their home has been a haven for people going through difficult times eg refugees. They have managed to hold church services in their home and have planted churches in the neighbouring areas. Paula would welcome visitors to join her in her work where you would learn much, help out with various tasks and just enjoy a time of relaxation.
The Global Mission team would welcome any enquiries about the missionaries we support indeed missionary work of any sort. We are happy to assist you in any missionary work that you may be interested in. The opportunities in the mission field are vast so we would love to discuss with you, and help you research any opportunities that may be of interest.