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Activities and Events

On this page we show you some of the many activities and events that we host, by giving an overview in pictures of some of the activities as they have taken place in the last few years.


Regular worship services

We currently have two worship services each Sunday our average congregation at the Sunday 9 am service is 70, and at the 10:45 family service is 130.

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Some 10:45am services are signed for Deaf people. The photo to the left was taken during a service when we had to discuss things in small groups. Helen is asking “if it's good”, and Chris is signing “that it is”.



Special worship services

Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and Harvest are just four of the annual occasions for very special gatherings. At Christmas we now run two Christingle services because it is the only way we can get everyone in!

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Children’s activities

There are groups for children of all ages, both on Sundays and during the week. In addition the annual summer holiday club week (August) and the October light party see the church filled to the building’s capacity, stretching our facilities.

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Holiday at home

In August we run a holiday club for the over 60’s many of whom cannot get away for a residential holiday. Like the Children’s summer holiday, the building is full and very busy – facilities are stretched to the limit.

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Weddings and baptisms

Like any parish church, weddings and baptisms are very important events!

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Community events

St Andrews welcomes the community.

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Not forgetting . . .

Our youth (various different age groups meet on Sundays and during the week).

Our local community: Starbeck in Bloom, Starbeck Gala, “Love Starbeck” (practical acts of help and kindness).

Visiting, praying on the streets, outdoor worship

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. . .and there’s more . .


Family spot

Supporting mums, dads and toddlers we run “family spot” on two weekday mornings. This was recently increased from one morning a week, and still there is a waiting list.


Plus Group and lunch club

Providing a place for the over 60’s every week to meet for activities and their lunch


Special needs

Our group of special needs folk meet each Tuesday evening.


Alpha courses

An opportunity to learn about the Christian faith in a relaxed environment

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. . . and a number of more specialist groups . . .



St Andrew's Church,

Office Telephone:  01423 889162

Charity number:  1139696

High Street, Starbeck

Email: admin@andysonline.org