For general enquiries about St Andrew’s Church Starbeck you can ring the church office on 01423 889162 (there is a 24 hour answering machine) or you can email the office using admin@andysonline.org Our church office is open most weekday mornings during term time, from around 9 am to 1 pm |
St Andrew's Church, High Street, Starbeck, Harrogate, North Yorkshire HG2 7JE
there is a map to help you find us |
For enquiries and comments specifically about the Starbeck Welcome and building project you can email us using starbeckwelcome@talktalk.net or you can fill in the feedback and comment form below. Note, you will be unable to submit the form below without your name being included or without completing the comments section. Your contact details are optional, but necessary if you want us to get back to you.
St Andrew's Church, |
Office Telephone: 01423 889162 |
Charity number: 1139696 |
High Street, Starbeck |
Email: admin@andysonline.org |