
The life and work of St Andrew’s Church are supported mainly by regular giving by church members. We receive some additional income from hiring out our halls and welcome centre. We greatly appreciate all gifts that we receive as these help us to fulfil our aim of ‘Loving and Growing’. There are many ways that you can give.

For our regular church attenders

The most efficient way for you to give to the church is through setting up a standing order. If you would like to do this, please contact David Leonard, our Planned Giving Officer. If you use internet banking you can set up a regular standing order yourself. If not, then please complete one of our free will offering forms which has a page for entering bank details.

You can also give through our envelope scheme – these are weekly dated envelopes colour coded depending on whether you pay tax or not.

We do not use a collection plate in services. There are both cash and digital giving stations at the back of the church.

If you are a tax payer and you give by standing order, please arrange to sign a gift aid form. By doing this, you enable us to reclaim an additional 20% from the government.

For visitors and well-wishers

We do not expect any visitors to contribute financially to the life and work of our church. However, we realise that sometimes those who visit our church or who have a connection with it would like to contribute. You can do this through the cash or digitial giving stations or as a direct gift. Again, if you are a tax payer, it really benefits us if you use and sign one of the gift aid envelopes available in church.

  •  If you would like to make a donation to the general church funds, you can use the QR code and scan here.  It allows you to select either one off or monthly giving.




Leaving a legacy gift to the church can be an expression of your gratitude and thanksgiving to God. It can help to keep your church active and enrich its future. You can speak in confidence to the vicar or warden about gifts in wills or if you would like to make a gift in memory of a loved one. A leaflet giving further details of the legacy scheme can be found at the back of church.

How we use our income

A summary of our income and expenditure as well as our current financial position can be viewed here.

Every year, a percentage of our income is allocated to global mission. Some of our mission partners are supported in this way.

St Andrew’s Church is a registered charity. Our Charity Commission number is 1139696.