We believe that children and young people are the church of today, not the church of tomorrow. That is why you will see they are so involved in our church life. We encourage families to worship together, as well as providing dedicated activities on a Sunday morning. Children and young people participate fully in our services, including taking communion under their parents’ guidance.
If you would like your child to be part of either Pray and Play, Sunday Club or Level Up please fill in the relevant forms below and send back to Rachel via the email address above.
Volunteer application form
If you would like to volunteer as either a leader or helper for our children and young people’s ministry, please fill in the form below and send it back to Rachel via the email above. If are already a children and young people volunteer at St Andrew’s, you don’t need to do this.

Pray and Play
We are exploring ways to engage even the youngest children in worship and prayer. Pray and Play is a space where parents and their preschool children can feel valued whilst still being included in services. In our Pray and Play time, there are opportunities to join in some worship, listen to stories of God’s love and pray together to receive his Holy Spirit for strength in our everyday family lives through the week. Sometimes games or simple craft activities may support our theme for the week.

Sunday Club
Sunday Club meets in the halls on Sundays, except when there is a family service. We enjoy exploring Bible stories, learning and praying together, whilst giving children the time and space to grow in their own individual relationships with Jesus.
Level Up
Level Up is our group for those in school years 7-10. We meet in the Welcome Centre or the Level Up Lounge each week, except during all-age services when we encourage our young people to contribute to other ministries, such as leading worship, reading or praying.
Our aim are to build a community that our young people can trust and rely on as they grow throughout secondary school and to help them “Level Up” in their relationship with Jesus.
In a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere we explore challenging topics that relate to young people’s lives both in and out of the church.

Family Spot
Family Spot is run by church members. It is a place where mums, dads or grandparents can come with their babies and pre-school children to play together, make new friends and support each other in a happy, safe, caring and stimulating environment. Two groups meet each week on Monday and Thursday mornings during term time in the church halls from 10 until 11.30. The cost is £2 per session, which includes refreshments. For further information contact Sarah Leach via the church office.
St Andrew’s – Children in Church
Safeguarding Policy Statement